Archive for June 2022
Martin Grosswendt to replace Kenny Sultan
For personal reasons, Kenny Sultan will not be teaching at Blues Week this year. We are pleased to announce that Martin Grosswendt will be his replacement. Martin taught at Blues Week for 3 years (2015/2016/2017) and some of you will be familiar with Martin’s amazing knowledge of southern traditional American music. For Blues Week 2022,…
Read MoreJohn Miller Blues Week Change of Class Description
John Miller announces a new class description called ‘Expanding Your Blues Vocabulary’ for intermediate/advanced students. The class will look at a different topic each day, working to build skills and knowledge. Topics will include freeing up the picking thumb, how to move licks into different keys, getting more accurate and better-sounding bends, chord voicing in…
Read MoreThe Return of Richard Knott’s ‘Songwriters Circle’
Euroblues Promotions is pleased to announce the return of the successful ‘Songwriters Circle’ to Blues Week 2022. These informal, collaborative and fun sessions have proved very popular in previous years. The Circle will take place on two evenings (Monday and Tuesday) and will be led by singer/songwriter Richard Knott. Richard has been attending Blues Week since 2006…
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