New Online Access Policy

For Blues Week 2022, if you pay a deposit of £250 before 31st December 2021, you will be given the ‘Password’ to the ‘Online Access’ page of our website. Also, you will be invited to the free ‘Zoom’ lessons from staff members for all instruments and levels of ability. From the 1st January 2022, you…

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Acoustic Blues Weekend 2021 Updates

I have been informed that the Hawth Theatre in Crawley will not be able to host us in November this year and we postponed to November 2022. Also, I am talking to staff at The Beacon in Wantage with the hopes of having an Acoustic Blues Weekend event in September/October. At the moment, the Beacon…

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Blues Week Zoom Lessons Schedule from 16th May to 12th June

This is just a reminder for Rick Franklin’s workshop this Sunday 16th May at 3pm UK time.  Also, I’m announcing the dates for the lessons to follow.  Here is the schedule: Sunday 16th May, 3pm UK TimeRick Franklin – Beginners Guide to the Roots of Taj Mahal Rick’s lesson will focus on the ballad and…

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